01237 431916 or 07887550634 

Posts from October 2022

Here at Moorhead we want you to book with confidence, your holiday can be booked with the standard 25% deposit and balance due 5 weeks before arrival. Depending on rules and restrictions for future holidays booked, you are unable to travel or we are unable to be open due to national or local travel restrictions, we will refund your booking, or offer a change of dates. For anything that does not relate to Covid-19 our normal terms and conditions apply. Please note, that our onsite facilities are subject to government restrictions and may change at any time. Every guest is sent a welcome pack prior to their holiday, with information on our our covid -19 cleaning protocols, and the measures we have in place to keep our guests and staff safe. For general enquiries, or a copy of our covid-19 protocols please contact us by email or call us on 01237431916 
